Poor Screenplay, Poor Leading Man
7 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Though the Academy presented an Oscar nomination for the screenplay of this movie, the story does not make a lot of sense. In order to find a man who loves her for herself instead of her money, Dorothy Hunter (Miriam Hopkins) switches identities with her secretary. Yet when Tony Travers (Joel McCrea) persists in pursuing the "false" Dorothy Hunter (Fay Wray), the real Dorothy continues to want Tony for herself.

Right up to the end, when Tony has finally popped the question to the false Dorothy, the real Dorothy continues to love him. It is only a last-minute switcheroo that causes Tony to end up married to the real Dorothy--and even then she is still disguised as the secretary! Why Tony persists in chasing after the woman whom he thinks is the richest girl in the world is a mystery. Does he really love her? No sign that he does. Does he want her just for her money? This seems to be the case, though even that is never made clear in the movie.

The situation is not helped by the performance of Joel McCrea. In some films, such as Preston Sturges' "Sullivan's Travels" and "Palm Beach Story," McCrea's deadpan demeanor actually plays into the humor of the situation, particularly when he plays opposite a talented co-star and comically gifted supporting cast. But in this movie Joel McCray borders on the inert. He comes across as a mere hunk, dense and single-minded in his pursuit of the false Dorothy.
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