S.W.A.T.: Firefight (2011 Video)
A mildly enjoyable continuation of the original S.W.A.T. movie with Colin Ferrel
8 March 2011
No, it's nowhere as good. The acting is two steps below no matter how one considers it. Robert Patrick, you should have stayed away from this project, as your acting requires better direction. As for the directors, the screen direction is actually what carries this movie! Very good! It's the personal interplay that tubes it, originating at the shoddy interplay between characters at the original script level.

What I did enjoy about the movie, at least for the first half of the movie is that is seemed on the legit. Everything rang true. Then, things just sort of dissolved into a messy ending.

This is a clear case of why multiple agencies should be involved in various stages of the screenplay as it develops, while there must always be someone with their finger on the button coordination all efforts from all sides so that By the way, I am so sick of "1-sec until she blows!" endings it's not even funny. Hollywood writers, STOP IT. Pop a boil on you backside and grow a brain. That's not the way to do it.

Back to the picture, the lead character simply didn't have anywhere near the moxie to pull it. I don't have the face, but neither does Machete' star, either. He get's it, perhaps because of his prison background. So do I, perhaps because of my military background. This guy? He's a sty-faced stand-in trying to act tough in many situations in which so many Americans have not only been in, but in which they've already proved their worth.

If you'd like to talk about capturing military experience, talk to the military. Or at least those of us who've been there, done that.
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