Proof that conspicuous consumption is fun
8 March 2011
"Fantasy Mission Force," is quite aptly named. The movie is a fantasy about a mission taken on by an eclectic force of military types. The catch is that all coherency stops at the title. FMF is best described as ridiculously bizarre. Only under the broadest definition can the film be said to have plot or characterization. Examining what this film has is not really of much use. Rather, FMF is most effectively evaluated by what it purposefully lacks.

To be brutally honest, this film lacks a great deal of what many consider the qualities of a proper film. To be sure, a camera and actors were used. However, the film quickly begins to diverge from generally accepted standards at this point. The assumptions of the filmmakers are not really comprehensible. It would appear that creating a mixed genre farce was the goal. To achieve this, the film strings together several set pieces that peripherally hint at particular genres. For example, horror is incorporated by having the "force" stay at a haunted house. What happens in the haunted house defies explanation. Honestly, the scenes in the haunted house simply make a full break with reality and the genre. The effect is an incoherent mish mash of semi-familiar clichés causing either intensely uncomfortable confusion or riotously funny weirdness. In addition to the set pieces, the transitions make absolutely no sense. In regards to the horror scenes, the protagonists escape an incarnation of the devil by setting off a string of cheap fireworks. How does this work? Never you mind, the next set piece has already begun. While the characters remain generally the same between vignettes, everything else is altered based entirely on whim. Essentially, this film is a mess.

Oh, but what a mess! The humor is an acquired taste. Imagine a film that purposefully breaks any and all assumptions an audience might have just for the sake of doing it. You want a story? Sorry. Do you like things to be slightly realistic? Tough luck. How about characters that have character? Nope. Social perspective, observational humor, or even a dram like logic? No, No, and No. What will you give me? How about whatever I feel like and a few explosions. Not only is that all the viewer gets, the end result is absolutely hilarious. FMF is perfectly summed up as the result of deviously jaded filmmakers providing "product" for a public that will consume it. If anything, the film clearly illustrates that the human animal is still amused by flickering lights and shiny things. I have never been so hilariously made aware of my almost non-existent standards.

On a personal note, I will absolutely recommend this film to certain friends. Should you be a "film connoisseur" then FMF will probably not be to your liking. On the other hand, if you enjoy what can be and has been done with a motion picture camera, then this is a movie for you. The film lends itself to large amounts of intoxicants and running commentary. 3.5 of 10 stars.
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