13th Child (2002)
10 March 2011
This may not be the worst movie I have ever seen, but it's in the bottom ten. The writing was dreadful -- most of the movie is structured to keep the plot a secret from the audience -- and the acting was amateurish (with the exception of co-writer Cliff Robertson, who almost managed to make his words sound semi-plausible). What can I say about Michelle Maryk's acting that hasn't already been said? To say she was "wooden" would be understating the case. She sounded as if she were a non-English speaker taught the script phonetically with no particular idea what any of the words meant. "Benson" (Guillaume) makes an appearance (and he's not as terrible as many of the actors, but is bad enough).

All in all, I have to say that there are many movies I would recommend as B-grade horror films before this one . . . in fact, I would recommend a test pattern before I would this movie.
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