Not particularly original coming of age story, but pleasant to view.
15 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a somewhat small film, probably made on a small budget, and written by Kent Moran who stars as Danny, the wannabe song writer who works in a small café in New York.

One day a wealthy family shows up at one of his tables and he is smitten by Alexia Rasmussen as Ariana. Her mother orders for her, Danny doesn't think too much of this, maybe the girl is just shy, but we know that she is deaf.

As they leave, Danny slips her a note saying "you forgot this" and it is his phone number. Not hearing from her after a couple of weeks he is ready to forget her ... until she shows up. She has no phone, she could not call. Her mother is over-protective and tries to dictate all aspects of Ariana's life, even though she is now 21.

Cybill Shepherd, who had a very rocky start in her own career, is the controlling mother, Victoria. Her character is a bit of a cliché' but serves its purpose.

So the movie is about deaf Ariana working loose of her mother's control, while finding love in this nice guy, the musician and aspiring song writer. There are ups and downs but overall a fairly predictable resolution.

Saw it on Netflix streaming movies.

SPOILER: Danny gets sick and it turns out he has brain cancer. He starts chemo but it makes him very sick, eventually he rejects it. Before he dies he inspires Ariana to get the implant that will allow her to hear, something her mother wouldn't allow earlier. So he dies, but her hearing lives, the movie ends as she is experiencing the beautiful sounds of the world around her for the first time.
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