Review of Halo Legends

Halo Legends (2010 Video)
For Halo fans only?
22 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this "movie" makes me wonder if its for Halo fans only. If you are unfamiliar with Halo, this movie will appear disjointed. If you are familiar with Halo but not a die hard fan (ie. like myself) you will find it rather dull, disjointed and disappointing.

The movie is a combination of 7 stories by different writers and directors. Hence the disjointed feel as it does not flow from beginning to end.

Part 1 - Origins; it explains the halo universe but IMO is a little too preachy about humanity's penchant for war. Even though the intro into the Halo universe was good, the humanity and war angle has been done many many times in Japanese anime. The story line is also very very common in any superhero comics. Found it rather dull.

Part 2 - Duel; Interesting artwork. Take the Halo universe and transform it into the samurai era. reminded me of one of the episodes of Samurai Jack.

Part 3 - Homecoming; Explains the spartans. Story is flashback on how a spartan "escaped" when younger to get back to her family. Found it very interesting and they could probably create a full lenght feature with this story line. Japanese Anime style.

Part 4 - Odd One Out; All I can say is WTF?? How did an episode of Dragon Ball get in here. Basically this is Dragon ball with the same character designs, stupid dialogue and slapstick. Just replace Goku with a Spartan.

Part 5 - Prototype; very mech type action oriented. Looks like Gundam. Action is good but (me not being a halo fanatic) don't see the connection with Halo other then the baddies.

Part 6 - The Babysitter; A throwback to the 80s style of anime like Robotech or Yamato. Felt like an episode of the shows I mentioned, even the ending. No bad.

Part 7 - The package; IMO the best of the parts. If the entire movie was like this I would give it a 10. Great CGI graphics and action scenes. This is the Halo im familiar with. Not much story (recover a package from the enemy fleet) but exciting.

While parts of the Halo legends are good and entertaining, as a whole it is disappointing and I admit that for the 1st few parts I was reading a book while watching and it took will power to not stop the movie partway through. Too disjointed and while the concept of different styles seems good, IMO in this case it took away from the flow.
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