After the Fox (1966)
Trying to Figure out a Fox
30 March 2011
After the Fox (1966) is as hard to categorize or rate (in terms of number stars) as it might be to actually catch the animal in real life.

After the Fox has an A+ list pedigree; it stars Peter Sellers (Dr. Strangelove), is directed by Vittoria De Sica (The Bicycle Thief), with the screenplay by Neil Simon (The Odd Couple) and music by Burt Bacharach (What's New Pussy Cat), with the title single by the Hollies (Long Cool Woman – in a Black Dress).

After the Fox is not the best work for any of the members on the list above. It is somewhat slow to start and uneven. However, After the Fox has so many scenes and characters that are sensationally clever it would be a shame to avoid viewing.

After the Fox is the first screenplay written by Simon and the setup and dialog in the restaurant negotiation scene is as good as any Simon and Sellers have been involved. There are many other scenes in After the Fox that take full advantage of Simon and Seller's artistic skills.

Victor Mature (Samson and Delilah) plays the vain heavy Heavy – Tony Powell. The role is a parody of Mature's screen persona and he is brilliant. After the Fox smartly uses a love scene between Mature and Lizbeth Scott in Easy Living as part of the setup.

Maria Grazia Bucella plays the "sister" of the bad guy - Okra. Bucella's beauty is so overwhelming, she commands virtually every scene in which she is involved. Also Bucella displays a wonderful ability to play dead-pan humor.

Bond Girl Britt Ekland (The Man with the Golden Gun) plays Gina Vanucci/Romantica. She seems somewhat miscast. Ekland and Sellers were recently married and it is rumored Sellers insisted she be in the film as the lead actress.

After the Fox seems to struggle in the sense that it is caught between trying to be a farce (stealing gold), slapstick comedy (police chases), parody of Italian Art house film (Sellers as Fabrucci/Fellini) and parody of Hollywood (Mature as Powell). Trying be all of those aspects is problematic. None-the-less, After the Fox is well worthy of a viewing.

After the Fox is available at NetFlix via online streaming and the quality of the picture is very good.
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