Review of Hop

Hop (2011)
3 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Visual effects will get Academy nominated, story borrows from the various Christmas movies, live action acting is OK, but the music is great. Never heard the Blind Boys of Alabama until yesterday, with E.B. as their stand in drummer. I Want Candy from Bow Wow Wow in a big number upstaging Fred's sister intentionally bad singing. Rockband drum set (not positive what piece they were playing).


Straight out of "Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow" by Marsha Sinetar (next on my reading list, borrowing my wife's unopened copy), Fred gets to do what he has loved to do since he was a young boy. (Obtuse spoiler, but for those who were *paying attention* to the movie may catch it.) His position is mentioned in the front, but you only understand this at the end.

Oh, and as I push my daughter to do, *stay to the end* (and I will leave it up to you to see what happens).
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