sure it's terrible, but that's not the problem exactly
12 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
For Y'ur Height Only (why it's spelled like Y'ur is anyone's guess outside of the Philippines where it was shot) is about a 2 foot 9 inch secret agent, 00, played by Filipino action star Weng Weng as he does secret agent-like things. He's up against a drug dealer of course and has some hot chicks by his side throughout. Yet even an hour after the film ended I forgot really what had happened in it as far as a story goes. And really, who gives a s*** about the story when it's all about exploiting its star's 'eccentricity' for laughs? While certainly not as tasteless as, say, The Crippled Masters with its dual deformed kung-fu masters, the filmmakers do get their moneys worth with what Weng Weng can do, which is kick ass in the 'little' ways that count... which get repetitive... fast.

I don't know what I was expecting outside of it being a cheesy-bad romp with silly secret agent stuff thrown in (and a massive body count, the source I had heard of this flick said that it was equivalent to a Rambo movie - it's really more like Commando, but besides the point). What I didn't expect was just how incompetently made the movie would be; scenes jerk from one to the next without anything to fill in certain story gaps, like from a fight to a bunch of the gangsters or criminals standing around and arguing about this or that or deciding stuff. It's weird for me to notice it with such a piece of trash as this, but the editing in the movie is particularly awful, with only certain fight scenes gaining some 'umph' (the highlight of the film, for me, is when "Mr Big" or whomever is revealed, and finally Weng Weng has met his match!)

The same cheesy music is repeated over and over as much as the kicking-the-crotch shots are done, and even the gun violence gets tiresome after a while. Also, Weng Weng is mostly a quiet and passive(!) observer of a lot of what's around him (maybe he gets more character in the, I'm not kidding, sequel to this movie), and could have used more lines. There's a requisite number of awesomely-bad moments that justify its existence, but it feels so sloppy that it's hard for me to see ever revisiting it the way I would a classic-bad movie like Manos or something.
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