Hawaii Five-0: Ma Ke Kahakai (Shore) (2011)
Season 1, Episode 20
Series 1, Episode 20
15 April 2011
The writers of this episode obviously did not think this one through. Our heroes found a dead body, that of a fisherman that had been shot. The bullet had apparently passed right through his body and was no where to be found as he had been killed elsewhere. But.........fish scales were discovered around the bullet's exit hole and they came from a rare species of fish that was being served at a local restaurant. Danny and Steve visited the restaurant and found a container with fish from the recent catch and while sifting through the fish, Danny found one that contained the bullet that had killed the fisherman. Now this is where the problem with the story comes to play. How did the fish scales appear around the exit wound on the dead fisherman's body, if the fish was the LAST thing to be struck by the bullet?
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