The Trip (2010–2020)
I gave up the will to live
13 May 2011
I thought I was a big Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon fan, until I saw this. I think the words 'self indulgent' spring to mind, and not just on the part of Coogan and Brydon, but the idiotic 'just out of university' camera man and director. My god - was it really necessary to show stupid, wavering close up shots, over the shoulder of Brydon, of his plate, as if to point out for the more intellectually challenged amongst us, what he was eating? The whole thing is just painful to watch, I haven't laughed once, nor even felt like laughing. Who actually enjoys this rubbish? When you compare this to Paul and Pauline Calf, or The Alan Partridge Show, you wonder if this is the same man. I kept waiting for things to improve. Maybe the strange bitterness that Coogan exudes throughout would drop off, but no. And yet more typical 'BBC' direction and camera work, it's simply unbearable. Stupid shots of the motorway, as if to point out "Yes, we know that you must know by now that they are driving on a motorway, but we're going to provide some more obscure shots of a random motorway just to drive that point home."

And the sickening shots around 19" into the first episode, where Coogan speaks to his agent... how predictable - the shot from the side, from another office, from in front, cutting from Coogan to yet another random view of his agent. Is this supposed to be 'art' or 'clever'?

I can't believe this pile of rubbish actually got made. I can't believe it was actually broadcast. Hang on. I CAN believe it got made, and that it got broadcast, because the BBC is run by a bunch of self congratulating left wing nutcases, who are so used to lying to the entire country, that lying to each other is second nature, so of course a load of old twaddle can get through with flying colours - after all, nobody wants to say that the emperor is naked.

As far as I can tell, Coogan has lost it. His 'Alan Partridge Mid Morning Matters' are also completely unfunny - just him, 'being' Alan Partridge, but not being remotely amusing...
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