Burnt Money (2000)
23 May 2011
This film tells a story, based on true events from 1965, about three men who steal seven million dollars and then flee to Uruguay together with a fourth man who runs the show from a distance. The men end up having to hide out for a much longer period of time than they expected and therefore grow a bit desperate as they face different conflicts with themselves and each other. The story is very interesting and suspenseful throughout, with some instances of comedy which lighten the serious mood that develops at times. The dialogue between the three men is very irregular as it switches from intense anger to silly comedy and even passionate love within seconds, therefore keeping the audience very unsettled and confused at times. Whilst being interesting, the story many times might make one uncomfortable as it deals with various issues, such as homosexuality and sex, which are seen through a raw lens which is not commonly used in most movies. The main issue of the robbery seems to dilute as the movie goes on, and the focus switches to the men's sexual insecurities and desires. Although this was a bit too much for my viewing preference, such issues as shown in the film are present in the world today.
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