Review of Kung Fu

Kung Fu (1972–1975)
Surprisingly Good
24 May 2011
When I first watched Kung Fu I expected action and violence, because of the title and the wild west setting, but I didn't anticipate much with respect to a plot. The quality acting, both on the part of David Carridine and just about every character he encountered as he wandered the United States western frontier, pleasantly surprised me. I especially enjoyed the performances of the rough-edged, uncultured types who inevitably lived to regret their decision to test Caine. Without behaving simply as stereotypical outlaws these actors did a great job of making the threats or insolent comments that ultimately resulted in their humiliation at the hands (and feet) of a man that did not seem physically or psychologically capable of harming anyone.

I think that many viewers saw in Caine a person they admired and would like to emulate. He required very little in terms of material possessions to carry on, didn't prejudge those he met (though they sometimes prejudged him), maintained a profound spiritual life yet confronted daunting situations realistically, and possessed superior survival skills in an often less than civilized world. At a time when some people in the U.S. were seeking greater spiritual fulfillment in Eastern philosophies and religions, Caine was serving as something of a role model.

If someone were to recreate the Kung Fu series, viewers would probably expect, if not demand, two changes: 1. A man of Southeast Asian ethnicity would have to play the part of Caine, not a Caucasian, even if, as was the case with David Carridine, his features suggest some Chinese ancestry. 2. The man playing Caine should also possess a more athletic physique. His unassuming and unimposing interpersonal style should continue, but if a threatening situation requires that he employ his expertise in martial arts, he ought to have a build that jibes a little more with his talent.
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