Review of Dead Meat

Dead Meat (2004)
Irish low budget
26 May 2011
When I was attending a horror convention with a friend we bought together this flick, the man who sold it had a big laugh on his face just to give the statement, you've been ripped off but it costs only 2 euro's so we couldn't be ripped off I guessed. Was I right, this is an excellent zombie flick. Of course it's low budget and it shows but it gives something extra on it. I mean, the night scene's are a bit too dark so you don't really see what is happening so by that way you can't see the cheap effects, but again, they are well done. Just watch out for the end when the zombies really attack. There are decapitations, pitchforks going into bodies and everything else you would like to do to a attacking zombie. That's all done very well but the make up of the zombie's faces are really bad. But don't hesitate to go search for it, is will well worth your money. The only thing I could say that was a bit annoying was the Irish language, I have nothing against that but it is sometimes hard to understand and sadly there were no subs on it.
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