Left me with mixed feelings
12 June 2011
I went ahead and checked this one, as I liked quite a bit Kat Dennings in "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" and I decided since then that I'd check the next movie with her that comes under my eyes.

She has a sort of "not-trying-to-be-cute or bad either" attitude that kind of hooked me and suites her very well. That being said, I think it's because of her that the film somehow worked for me; she seems to be a good actress with a lot of potential and she managed to keep all of this together and carry her leading role with ease and grace.

There are some other characters in the movie which have good performances too, and there are some little beautiful moments in there, but for me it was Kat that held all of this in one piece.

However, after seeing this, thinking back at it I realized that if it was somebody else who played her role, this would probably have been easily forgettable, for me.

So, there you go, I'm biased. As somebody else was saying, there are quite a bit of scenes or events in the movie which seem a little superfluous or pointless, at least in the sense that they don't lead anywhere further and thus become weird mere "decorations".

All in all it was nice to see Kat carry out a more complex role with the same ease and style she displayed in the "teen" posture she had in the other movie.

I'm not sure how much this review will help anyone decide whether to see it or not; I guess you'll just have to make up your own mind about this one. ;)
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