All the funny parts from first two are replaced by High School Musical-like singing and dancing. I say C-
12 June 2011
"How you gonna hide swag as big as this?" After Malcom's (Lawrence) aspiring rapper step son Trent (Jackson) sees a murder it's up to Malcolm to hide Trent and find the evidence he needs to put the murderer in jail. There is only one way to complete this...become Big Momma again. After watching the first two I was actually kind of looking forward to this one. The first one was a good movie, but I thought the second one was funnier. This one took all that was funny about the first two and replaced it with "High School Musical" aspects. A lot of choreographed dance sequences and a lot of singing, not what I expected to see in this movie. Although there were a few funny parts, the movie was a re-hash of the same jokes from the first two, but not as funny. This is a perfect example of Hollywood running out of ideas and only doing re-makes, turning TV shows into movies, prequels and sequels that don't need to be made. After a five year break another sequel to Big Momma didn't seem to be needed, and after watching this it only made that fact more clear. Overall this movie does for the Big Momma series what "Batman & Robin" did to the "Batman" series, or what "Rocky 5" did to the "Rocky" series. Makes you think...why didn't they stop at the last one? I give it a C-.

Would I watch again? - No way, but like the other series I mentioned I would watch the others before this one if they were on TV.

*Also try - Big Mommas House 1 & 2
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