Duke Nukem Forever (2011 Video Game)
The makers of this game should hang their heads in shame
14 June 2011
I have never been so angry while playing a game, the frustration from dying and then having to wait an inordinate amount of time to restart is just not forgivable.

Even if this wasn't the case the level design is a joke with big sections where you are just walking through corridors with no enemies. I was looking forward to some platform sections but these are not taxing and there is no scope for exploration as the levels are entirely linear.

Actually I tell a lie, I did find a hidden freeze ray, not very well hidden but I found it. But then I couldn't use it (it kills you underwater) but then it is a pointless weapon anyway and only good for rats. I weakened an enemy and then emptied the thing several times and the guy didn't freeze. Most weapons feel underpowered and uninteresting too.

Enemies have minimal AI so fighting is a chore, especially the turret sections and bosses would be forgettable if they didn't kill you so much. Not because there was some advanced tactic you had to find but because there is one spot to hide in and then you spend your time going to the ammo crate, shooting, hiding and repeating.

People might tell you this game is funny, it's not. They might also say, "oh it's a Duke game, you shouldn't expect too much", I'm sorry but this is a shameless cash in, you should expect more than this sloppy excuse for a game.

3/10 and that's only because it didn't have crap in it. Oh wait, 2/10.
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