Duke Nukem Forever (2011 Video Game)
A promising game let down by a very late release.
15 June 2011
I have remarked that critics have been quite negative towards this game because it is bound to be compared to recent 2011 shooting games which is a shame as it has been suggested it would've been appreciated more if it was released sooner . Needless to say that doesn't take away from the fact that the game can still prove to be enjoyable.Due to the timing of the game's release; critics cannot really help you to decide whether or not to buy it as only your own opinion can help you here as the bulk of the reviews more less compare it to more up to date games which really isn't very helpful when picking a game to be honest. Aren't people forgetting that this would've been out a few years back were it not for the issues 3D realms ran into? I cannot deny that it seems dated compared to recent games but I don't care; graphics are not everything besides what were people expecting when Gearbox was polishing up what 3D realms started; it's not like they were going to start from scratch again? This game is not unlike shooters of the late 1990s and early 2000s; some people will find favour with this while others won't.

If you enjoy Duke's style in humour then the humour in this certainly will not disappoint you as it's very much like Duke Nukem 3D's ; but obviously it's not for everyone. Honestly I don't really understand why some critics call Duke's humour unfunny but yet praise humour in games that is mediocre at best. As for critics that question Dukes character; I really hope they are joking. I can accept various opinions on Duke Nukem Games but to question the protagonist that makes the franchise so unique and enjoyable definitely raises questions as Duke Nukem is a gaming icon that still has an appeal;even today and is a nice change from the typical serious heroes you see in a lot of recent games.

Oh and don't worry about all the controversy this game has sparked off for all it's mature content; we all knew it was bound to do that if it was going to be a follow up to Duke Nukem 3D which was also quite controversial at the time. If the game was watered down to appease some critics; it just wouldn't be a Duke Nukem game would it?

The game is not without it's flaws but it has interesting elements and very interactive environments. The enemies and bosses are pretty cool and challenging.The only things I don't really like about this game is the linearity in levels, a checkpoint system, only carrying two weapons, strength tests and the new Health system. This game will not have the replay value of Duke Nukem 3D but really what game does these days? Aren't all shooting games nowadays pretty much linear? It's a trend this game regretfully followed but luckily it has things that make it worth checking out.

Now that Gearbox owns the rights to Duke Nukem; I imagine things will go a lot smoother in later games as 3D realms was biting of more than they could chew trying to keep up with the times as they just didn't have the numbers or resources to pull it off while Gearbox is a much bigger company which has been something the Duke franchise has been in need of. It's a safe bet Duke will have more adventures to come; always bet on Duke ;)
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