Unique Story
16 June 2011
Wasting Away is not a great film in my opinion, but it does do what other zombie films haven't done. It takes the perspectives of the zombies themselves, which hasn't been seen in any zombie film before. The uniqueness of this concept really made this film worthwhile. Using a comedic approach, there are a couple of good jokes here and there and overall it is a pretty damn funny movie. However, the acting is somewhat sub-par.

If you look carefully enough you can see that the actors and the director did a pretty horrible job with this film, definitely not Christopher Nolan. Luckily this film didn't require special effects, otherwise it would've killed it.

Overall, it was a film worth watching, although it was slow in some cases. I honestly ended up fast-forwarding most of the movie, so don't take my review too seriously. 6/10 because it is just over the borderline of being worth watching.
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