How Times Change !!!!!!!!! Plus , Bette's Pilot ?
22 June 2011
It is interesting to not that The Boys In The Band , essentially the first play 100% about " out " gay male men in the New York theater written from an " inside " perspective , rather got split on the barre of history .

When it opened , as said above , it was considered radical - Then , by the time the movie came out , Stonewall had happened , and some gays considered it to " self-loathing " , refelecting as it did the pre-Stonewall world .

What was this " Bette Davis Show " , a TV pilot ( I assume ) that we see clips of , that Mart did a - credied - rewrite on ? It is not listed , either her nor under Bette .

Presumably it was never shown publicaly/officially ?

The veracity of " Judy's funeral inspired the Stonewall fightback " has been argued back & forth...
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