This Movie Stinks on Every Level, but I Still Love It.
22 June 2011
Cheech is great. Clooney is good. Some bit players are good. Salma, as always, is a convincing whore. But almost everything else stinks.

Tarantino had an idea for a script, but failed to write it. Rodriquez had his usual half an idea about how to direct. The talentless Lewis reprises her role as a weak little girl surrounded by psychotic men. Hayek is allowed on screen long enough to dance and die, and that's a little too long for her talent. Keitel didn't have a clue about how to be a mild-mannered preacher.

Still, there is a lot of blood and gore. Lots and lots of people die. So if it's a blood fest that you want, try this one.

But watch out for that wooden post that keeps reappearing throughout the movie. That's Ms. Lewis acting her heart out.
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