Bunnyman (2011)
2 July 2011
The plot for this movie is simple a group of young morons are tormented by a maniac dressed in a bunny costume. The execution however is terrible.

If your one of those people who shout at the screen every time a character in a horror movie makes a bad decision prepare to scream yourself hoarse. This movie has possibly one of the most moronic group of characters I've ever witnessed. Every decision they make is either the wrong one or just plain stupid. Some choice examples. Never once taking the opportunity to overwhelm a single bad guy when they greatly out number them. Always running off and leaving their friends to die. But my favourite is when the Bunnyman has been chasing them in a truck and is trying to run them off the road they pull over and the Bunnyman pulls up behind them. What do they decide to do? Wait him out, both the truck and the car just sit there for what is portrayed as several hours. DUMB.

The Bunnyman is not alone though he has a pet hunchback chained up in his house. There is also a normal looking woman who has a rather mean streak connected to him. In what way we never find out is she the sister, the mother, who cares, I certainly didn't by this point. If your wondering what the Bunnyman looks like under that bunny head I'll tell you, disappointing.

The gore effects are few and far between pretty much everyone has a chainsaw (the Bunnymans' weapon of choice) shoved into their stomach. But you don't see it, you just see some blood spray up their face. All the kills are off screen so it doesn't even have that in it's favour.

The acting is pretty terrible but then so is the dialogue so you can't win. The sound is also annoying I found myself turning up the volume to hear the talking and then the chainsaw would start going or a car horn or some other irritating sound and it would be deafening.

The movie was a massive disappointment for me. I was expecting something like motel hell, but it was nothing like it. I wasted my money on this movie and the only comfort I can take is that the makers of the film probably didn't get their deposit back from the fancy dress shop they got the Bunnyman costume from.
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