One Good Cop (1991)
anyone who did not like this movie or gave it a bad review slap yourself repeatedly until the end of your life & when you get tired or have to sleep have someone else slap you
3 July 2011
MICHAEL KEATON is a great actor hes one of them actors you forget you are watching a movie & think its real life video footage. kinda like NICK NOLTE - GARY OLDMAN - PETER STORMARE but anyways KEATON plays a COP who when his partner is killed in the line of duty who had 3 kids he doesn't want them to be in an orphanage but his house is too small by SOCIAL SERVICES standards to house 3 kids so he robs a drug kingpin who indirectly had something to do with his partners murder so he can buy a bigger house so he can adopt his partners 3 kids & he gives the rest of the money to the orphanage he didn't want his partners 3 kids to go to in order to help the other kids their. they say even criminals have right & a COP is supposed to go by the book but sometimes you gotta just say what the F#@k & do what you gotta do
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