Too Much Screaming
9 July 2011
The problem I had with this movie was that it focused so much on the worst parts of long term relationships. In the first half hour I must have had 10 or 12 minutes of couples screaming at each other, and another 15 of these same couples trying to make up. This was all covered over by some of the most melancholy love songs ever written.

I'm in my 50's and understand the dynamics involved here, but just being pounded by the worst parts of relationships gets grating on the eardrums. We finally got to a good comedy scene about 40 minutes in, but it devolved into screaming as well. It must have been tough to do, but Rob Reiner even managed to put Betty White in a bad light.

I mean, the movie is truthful and all. A lot of what happens is true to life, but taking all the worst parts of life and concentrating them in a movie this way..... Well, it got to be too much for me. It might work better for women.

Great cast though.
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