Duke Nukem Forever (2011 Video Game)
12 Years and I get this
11 July 2011
Now I've played Duke Nukem 3D thought it had its moments there were funny and fun to do. This game has none of that, I feel sorry for the poor fans that waited and waited for this game and they give them this pile of crap. Let me start with game-play it works that is one thing it truly does do right but it's hard to screw up a shooter all your character needs to do is shoot and have cool guns which this does. The sound isn't bad but I got so tired of the cheesy bad dialog I had to turn off the sound Duke is such a d-bag you get tired of listening to him. The graphics are last gen seriously delay after delay and you get a game with Xbox graphics. Story ha what story I'm not spoiling anything just aliens come down attack you fight it's really immersing. There is a online but I didn't touch it lets say this game was so bad I couldn't finish playing, because I would've ended up breaking the game in half on how mad I was getting at these characters. The only people who would really enjoy this movie are the 12 year old kids with A.D.D. because this has everything they'd enjoy boobs, blood, and cursing. But adults will hate and feel insulted by this game. So bottom line save your money don't buy, rent, barrow, or even look at this game.
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