Unique and pretty funny but drags a bit too much
29 July 2011
Where to begin with this one? This is one of those one-off movies that is so specifically bizarre that it has never been repeated. It is of course, a James Bond parody whose secret agent is a two-and-a-half foot midget with a pudding bowl haircut and white suit. The secret agent is played by a small man known as Weng Weng. This film is undoubtedly a star vehicle for this pint-sized star. One of the most notable features of the film is how hard a little guy Weng Weng actually was. He has to do his own stunts, as clearly there weren't too many body-double stunt-men who could pass a likeness test for this guy. So basically we see him firing all over the place in various stunts, including jumping off bridges and zooming around in a jet-pack. Considering his tiny frame his physical feats in this movie are considerable.

So how is the movie itself? Well, to be honest, entertaining to a point. Sure, it's central idea is pretty funny, and there are a number of amusing set-pieces; while the supporting cast of characters are dubbed with some hilarious voices and spout priceless lines such as 'he's making a monkey out of the forces of evil!'. But the problem is that it's essentially a one gag movie and it's stretched to breaking point. The action scenes with Weng Weng thwarting 'the forces of evil' get a bit too samey, with him constantly kicking hell out of men three times his size and endlessly mowing down enemies with a machine gun.

For Y'ur Height Only is definitely a curiosity and one-of-a-kind movie. But ironically for a dwarfsploitation flick, it could have done with being shorter.
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