Strange and bizarre yet totally captivating
21 August 2011
What a refreshing, fun yet gory film. I went into this thinking it was going to be your typical possession or slasher'ish type film and the beginning of the movie started to prove that I wasn't wrong. With its opening scene of loud rough sex inside and a bunch of bikers kicking the crap out of two guys outside I settled in for what I thought would be a mindless horror film that was entertaining but without much depths. I was wrong.

I can't get too much into the plot as the movie packs a surprising punch near the end but the ride to the twist was definitely a fun one. I can say that even though the movie started off as your typical horror film with its drunken party, slutty girls and drama when the party ends, that's when the fun begins.

The film starts to get very strange when a gang of 50's era punks show up looking for one of the girls at the party. I loved that they added this and found it refreshing as its nothing I have ever seen before. The gang ends up having an odd sense of humour and uses it to amuse themselves with their hostages in a series of bizarre games and such.

Overall great flick, delivers on the gore, acting, storyline all topped off with quite an amazing twist. This movie would be great for most non-mainstream horror movie lovers. - Discover a new world of horror films, designed just for you.
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