Death Racers (2008 Video)
It's retarded, it's ugly it's not very exiting funny or scary-but it was the first time I enjoyed a movie purely because it was so bad!
12 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"As bad as a film can be" declares one reviewer. Let's not go nuts. It was amusing, and funny in strange and unexpected ways-oh god, I'm defending the honour of Death Racers! I disliked it probably as much as anyone when I first saw it. But I found that for whatever reason I appreciated its utter wretchedness a tiny bit more with each viewing-for this movie is almost artfully bad... My god, it's like something shot on someone's hand-held in some s***ty back-lot in the middle of nowhere! Everything is constantly dingy and dusty and amber coloured. Absolutely no charm whatsoever. The tone of the thing becomes almost surreal after a while. Car racing for a start is not my thing at all, not even with ridiculously pimped-out rides and explosions and murder, so that probably affected how much I "enjoyed" this movie quite a bit. You never see any racing anyway! It was the first time I ever saw cyborg rape(!?!)in a movie. I felt a most curious mix of humour and appaulment. One thing I kinda loved was when the movie would occasionally cut to two newscasters covering the events as they happened. Every time it cut to them it was accompanied by the sound of an angry voice yelling: DEEEEATH RAAAACE!!!! Hell yeah! So funny! Something else really funny to me was the acting of the two news people. The guy was so weird looking. (But cute!) The film was accompanied throughout by the most crappy, grungy, dumb hardcore rap. It sure gets infectious, though! I like the two colourful "songs" that cover the credits. I finally found out the meaning of enjoying a truly bad movie. There was just something about sheer patheticness of the whole exercise that made me smile. All I had to do was look at it and listen to the music and it kept making me laugh. And laughter is good, therefore there must be something good about this movie, somewhere! This film is a complete one-off for me, by the way. I couldn't dig films like this all the time. In fact, this is the first. It's an anomaly to me, I usually like movies that I consider to be basically good! Well my idea of good anyway. This is the only time that bad was good! But as much as I enjoyed marvelling at the complete lack of style and quality on show, I didn't confuse that enjoyment with how good I know the film to actually be. I can see how most rational-minded folks will see it as the big heaping pile of garbage it truly is. Well, whatever it is, the film is nothing to get all steamed about. It's a total joke! A pathetic mess that you've just gotta laugh at. Tacky but fun. Thanks.
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