27 September 2011
I was shown this movie by friends of mine who rented it and thought I would get a kick out of it. Lets just say any further recommendations by them will get screened first.

I've sat back and watched several attempts at zombie comedies come and go, most of them falling flat on their face, save for the gem "Deadheads". This movie was no exception.

The concept of zombies being like everyone else just slower... Sure it's somewhat fresh, but it's not entirely unique, and from what I've heard from other people, it's this movies crowning achievement in 'creativity'. Well, in entertainment, creativity will get you about as far as a boat made of bread.

With painfully forced acting and situational development, I kept checking my phone for the time again and again, waiting for the credits to roll.

I may have just not "GOT" the point of the movie... But it just wasn't funny, and wasn't good. Granted I've seen far worse, and it did what it could with it's budget, better than most low-rung Hollywood productions, so that's why I'm giving it a generous 4 out of 10.
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