While it is unoriginal at some points, it's a decent animated sitcom.
27 September 2011
The current Cartoon Network line-up has a lot of good shows, and bad ones. But a lot of them are just in the middle. This one is just in the middle of average and good.

"The Amazing World of Gumball" follows the life of Gumball Watterson, 12-year-old cat who always gets into trouble. He lives his best friend/pet goldfish, Darwin; his lazy, child-like father Richard; his hard-working mother Nicole; and his genius little sister Anais.

This show may seem like a traditional animated sitcom, but at the same it's pure, concentrated, 100% insanity! While most characters look like the regular anthropomorphic animals you'd see in a cartoon, there's also a potato, a live-action face turned upside-down with eyes on the chin, a piece of toast, and even a finger print. I'm not kidding. In one episode there was an anthropomorphic FINGER PRINT! And that's just a sample of the craziness that is displayed in this show.

One of this show's biggest flaws is (as I mentioned in the summary) how unoriginal it is sometimes. For example: in one episode Gumball and Darwin decide they can't be friends anymore, so they each look for a new best friend, but it doesn't work out so they make up and they're friends again.

Now did the writers really need to use that clichéd, over-used, plot? We've already seen this with so many characters in other sitcoms. The characters are kind of cliché too. Trouble-making son, idiotic father, intelligent younger sibling.... So many other TV shows have used these kinds of characters, I can't even count them, but the main ones that come to mind are Bart, Homer, and Lisa Simpson from "The Simpsons". This show also uses some lame, already-heard-or-seen-it-a-million-times gags and jokes. For example: in one episode Darwin's stomach growls, Gumball says (in a scared voice) "What was that!?" and Darwin replies "It's my tummy...".

But aside from the unoriginality, "The Amazing World of Gumball" is a decent show. It has a good voice cast, unique animation, and sometimes it is pretty funny.

Overall, it's not as good as Cartoon Network's recent classics "Adventure Time" and "Regular Show", but it's a whole lot better than "Mad", "The Problem Solverz", and "Johnny Test". Not highly recommended, but it's okay.

Rating: 6/10 "Decent"
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