Review of Three Veils

Three Veils (2011)
Three Veils - a must see movie
29 September 2011
Saw Three Veils movie August 27, 2011 at the Las Cruces International Film Festival in Las Cruces, New Mexico. WOW!!, AWESOME comes to mind also now that I've had some time to digest everything. The movie made me laugh, cry (more than I'll admit) and my heart ached more than once for the characters and their struggles. But as the heart aches and has little cracks, the human spirit surprises you and shores it up again. Slightly battered but better in the long run. All the characters were complex in their own rights, and the tender spirit of Amira, just pulled your heart strings to the breaking point, while you wondered how Nikki would survive her struggles and Leyla work through the arranged marriage network. The human spirit is an amazing thing. This is a movie that needs to be seen.
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