Fire the Screen Writer, and Hire Some Logic For This Thing
3 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Given the cast, this should have been way better. But the plot, and, more so, basic logic fail in scene after scene of this clunker, and it seems the cast may have realized saving the movie was beyond their capabilities given the truck-sized holes in the logic, so they gave up, went through the motions, got it done, collected their lunch money, and went home.

Numerous folks have pointed out the lack of regard for basic military tactics, and those in particular for jungle warfare. But the disdain for giving any of the characters even rudimentary military common sense is an insult to the characters, and will be exasperating to the viewer, especially anyone with any military background, or any common sense for that matter, and bears some spotlighting:

Half the movie is the misfit commando squad sneaking up to the Jap base, then trying to escape back down to the Brit base. So, while they're AWAKE, they're sneaking along in the jungle and alert (never mind the incorrect patrol techniques, smoking every half hour, etc). But a half dozen times in the movie, they get tired and literally crap out in the open -- no, don't bother to hide behind some bushes, or in the jungle. Just go to sleep right in the open, on the flipping jungle TRAIL. Oh, and DON'T have ANYONE stay up and stand watch -- let EVERYONE go to sleep right in the trail, or in the open clearing at the jungle temple, for hours.

Such idiocy in a combat environment would warrant all the little misfits having their throats slit in their sleep, or getting perforated by one awake enemy soldier with a rifle waltzing into their sleepover party -- but no worries, it doesn't happen, because credibility isn't important here. In THIS movie, all the Japanese pursuers, famed/notorious for their jungle fighting, silence, and infiltration skills, always ensure they manage to make enough noise in the distance, so the good guys wake up in time and scurry for cover.

It got to the point I was rooting for the Jap pursuers to take out some of these lazy sods. As one other person wrote, this movie devolved into just a sort of long episode of the Combat! TV series, though that usually had more regard for common sense and military credibility.

There are several other ridiculous plot elements -- the stupid gauntlet situation of the Brit camp, the need for the US convoy to travel past that point of the island at that point in time, the elaborate stage management of the Jap loudspeaker brigade, bracketing the Brit refugees every day to scare them into surrender (hey, maybe those loudspeaker guys could, you know, FIND the heroes, and KILL them instead, and save all that tree climbing), the lack of the possibility that hey, the Japs might have -- gasp -- TWO transmitters on the island, and maybe ONE more at their HIDDEN air base. Yes, the movie pays lip service to these with some lame explanations voiced by the players, but they're paper thin, and just occasions for additional viewer wincing and head scratching.

Not worth the time or effort required, but if you want to watch it, check your brains at the door.
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