Good Date Movie, Better Than I Expected
8 October 2011
You will ask "Why have you rated this so high?" It's a non-thinker, right? Well, yes, mostly but it has a bit more depth than you'd expect. And it has Anna Faris, who I had never heard of - except I loved her animated character in 'Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs'. Never saw any of the "Scary Movie" series, nor "Brokeback Mountain". Nor did I watch "Friends".

Betsy and I went to see this movie Thursday after 'The Ides Of March' to "cleanse our palate" as Betsy put it. We wanted a light romantic comedy that fit into the right time slot for us, and this movie was one we hadn't seen but had seen the previews for. In a way it covers some of the same material as "Bridesmaids' (ptooey) and yet in a lighter, funnier non-disgusting manner. Anna plays Ally Darling, a woman who wakes to find she's been sleeping with another jerk, one of many. She then goes to work, only to be fired. On the way home she reads an article that say's the average woman has only had sex with 10.5 men-and those who have had sex with more than that are not likely to marry. Ally counts and finds she has 20 to her credit. OK, in the old days it would have been to her shame, but hey it's 2011. But her younger sister, Daisy, played by Ari Graynor, is getting married to a guy she (Daisy) had once dated, rejected, but now loves. Ally begins to think maybe she should search among her discards to see if she can find the right guy. Meanwhile she has to cope with her across-the-hall neighbor, Colin, played by Chris Evans.Colin is an unstinting womanizer who has no desire to commit. He also likes to pick up his daily paper naked. OK, so all this is a s predictable as can be. And there is a cast of okay to good supporting actors, including Blythe Danner as mama Darling, divorced from papa Darling, played by Ed Begley Jr. So why do I give it 4 stars instead of just 3? Anna's cute little posterior. Her naked, or nearly naked, butt is nearly everywhere in this movie. And she makes the most of her assets, moving and dancing about with great abandon, whether dancing, playing strip horse, or whatever else comes along. I have since learned she has several movies in which she bares it all. Now for you ladies who think I'm being sexist here, I must add you get to see a few men's tushes too. Captain America, oops, I mean Colin has a few bare buns to show, and while I'm not so inclined, I guess they are OK, at least by Betsy's standards. There also seems to be a fun chemistry between Faris and Evans. Both Betsy and I agree the movie was funnier and sweeter than 'Bridesmaids'. It's a good date movie for a date with someone you've been out with before. But it does have an 'R' rating for sexual content, language, and nudity. So if you're a 13 year old boy I give the same advice as I did 'The Creature'.
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