Batman: Arkham City (2011 Video Game)
The Best Batman Game of All Time
25 October 2011
Batman Arkham City took everything that was great about it's near perfect predecessor and improved it beyond belief. Instead of being confined to a relatively small island you are now in a small area of Gotham City specifically made for the scum of humanity. On the surface there doesn't look like much to do in this small space, but the area is teeming with henchmen from Two Face, Penguin and Joker and they're all going to try and kill you at any chance they get. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Long story short, after the events of Arkham Asylum, Warden Quincy Sharp was named Mayor of Gotham and decided that the old asylum was unfit for prisoners. Thus he created Arkham City, a blocked off piece of North Gotham for Batman's worst foes to thrive. He then placed the mysterious Professor Hugo Strange in charge and now deadly gang wars break out as everyone fights for control of the city. Batman must enter the city and find out Strange's real plan, along with stopping his old foes from killing each other.

This is the basic plot of the story, but there are a number of sidequests you can take throughout the game. From destroying the last Titan drug barrels with Bane, to tracking down victims of Deadshot. The Riddler returns physically in Arkham City and has placed twice as many riddle trophies and puzzles in the area. He has also captured doctors and people who worked in old Arkham. These challenges are deadly and requires a lot more critical thinking then in the last game. With all these sidequests combined with the main story you're looking at many hours of gameplay and with new game plus you can replay the game with all the gadgets from your first game and keep any riddler secrets you've found.

The challenge areas are the same as the first game, but there are a lot more to be played and with all the new combat and silent predator moves in this game you will have a blast taking down nameless thugs with an even greater sense of being Batman. With downloadable characters like Robin and Nightwing you have a lot more reason to play the challenge maps then in the first game.

I could go forever on how awesome this game is. But this is one of those games you need to play to believe. It has everything for long time Batman fans and newcomers. With a great plot with a lot of twists and faster combat this game has exceeded all expectations and is without a doubt one of the best games of the year, if not all time. And I haven't even played as Catwoman yet.
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