Power Rangers Samurai (2011–2012)
Enough is Enough, the Power Rangers TV Series Has Got to Go!!!!!
26 October 2011
It really does not matter how many seasons or installments of the Power Rangers TV series have been made or which company owns such franchise, they all simply and virtually stink like hell, and it is undoubtedly a waste of time and money. First and foremost, the Saban Capital Group, which is formerly called the Saban Entertainment, and Disney (before and after Saban in terms of the ownership of the aforesaid franchise), have had been using stock footages and many props of the original source of the Japanese TV series, by the genre of the Super Sentai, while hiring their own actors and actresses for their own cast of characters that they've set up (where do/did those ridiculously simple names come from?), as well as creating some of their own props, story lines and scenes/footages here and there, as parts of their adaptation of such TV series just to "create their very own." As people with real common sense can tell you, it is an absolute C.R.A.P. (Compilation(s) of Retardedly 4ssho1!sh Presentations), the plans of the production of such TV series have had often been poorly executed almost from the day it was debuted to this very day!!! This sort of adaptation just amounts to plagiarism at its worst, and it has already been overdone. I cannot believe Toei, the Japanese TV production company that is the true creator of many modern tokusatsu TV shows, including the Super Sentai genre, would allow those aforementioned companies to do this. I want the people in Toei to know that Haim Saban, the CEO of the aforementioned company, once called the franchise that he "founded," the Power Rangers, to be "five retards in spandex" (virtually all the characters of his franchise are retards, whether they are in spandex or not). And Guess what? He was right! The people within his production crew just never seem to know what they have been doing to create a TV show with qualities, but rather, they have genuinely made it a fv¢k!n9 joke. All they care about is making money off of the unsuspecting viewers/fans (mostly young and stupid) with the creation of this garbage. There has virtually been no real creativity behind each installment of the Power Rangers TV series except for simply taking other people's/companies' ideas, props, stock footages, etc. of the original TV series of Japan (and of other sources on several occasions) while making some adjustments to them before applying them to its production, and at times, certain characters of the entire TV series to date have had been rehashed from one installment of it into another or so (i.e., Tommy Oliver, Bulk, Skull, Alpha, etc.) with no logical reason or whatsoever. The latest Power Rangers installment, Power Rangers Samurai, simply goes to show you just that (for example, the use of the Kanji by the Power Rangers during their morphing sequence as well as other features that Saban and his crew clearly did not create at all, they just simply made some modifications here and there to fool the aforesaid audience, and by recycling the characters of Bulk and Skull, who have already appeared in the previous installments of the Power Rangers TV series, in such latest installment, kind of raises questions among some of the long-time viewers of the show), just like many of its predecessors, and I'm afraid the future installments of that TV series would be no different, which the production crew of the TV series won't learn from and can't steer clear of their mistakes. I hope that Toei would withdraw the rights of Saban Capital Group (or any of its wannabes should they acquire such rights) to adapt any more installments of their Super Sentai TV series (as well as of other genres should Saban and his crew try to acquire the rights for their adaptation) and sue them for plagiarism and mockery! In addition, the Power Rangers fans overall are a real bunch of fv¢kt@rds for lobbying stupid ideas into and promoting such bv11sh!t, shame on them all! These people are basically morons, who delusionally think such TV series that they espouse is better than its original counterpart (the source of adaptation). Some even have gone as far as saying that they don't need the Japanese TV production people, who have been the ones doing the actual works of creating the Super Sentai TV series that Saban and his cohorts (as well as Disney and its respective ones after and before) have plagiarized and butchered, to create the trash that they love so much, and I agree that they don't need those people or any of their products to create the so-called Power Rangers; however, it has been created at their expense, which really needs to stop. Power Rangers in itself is a failure, and sadly, it has been well-tolerated, which it should not be! Honestly, that TV series is truly a LAUGHINGSTOCK no matter how you slice it! I hope Mr. Saban and his production crew would create the Power Rangers TV series that is totally and truly of their own, meaning no props, stock footages or direct plots/story lines from the original sources, had they done it, such franchise would be worth it even if it may not rival the Super Sentai TV series.
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