Review of [Rec]²

[Rec]² (2009)
More like a car rec
1 November 2011
The first Rec was one of the better horror films i had seen in recent years and because of that success it's no surprise that it spurned a sequel so soon. And like most sequels , this turned out to be a bitter disappointment.

This film carries on straight after the first. The virus ( or so it seams) is still in the building and this time a special ops team and a specialist go in to stop it in it's tracks. Obviously then things then turn really ugly.

I found Rec 2 a bit of a mess. It's extremely loud and at times disorientating with the speed camera work. The members of the Swat team shout constantly and they make some stupid decisions and it's as if they have left their brains at the door and if you are thinking of watching this i suggest you do to.

It does have a couple of scary moments but not nearly enough for my liking.
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