Wolf Lake (2001–2002)
Missed it first time,caught it second time & the show I realize was canceled CBS you suck
11 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT SPOILER ALERT I do not know what it is with Networks as they seem to only want to spill out cheap,reality TV shows that cost next to nothing to make & have absolute idiots on it (Big Brother anyone). I watched most of this when it premiered in the States where I was living at the time & then found it being re run now recently now as I had missed the last 4 shows (UPS picked up these to air)I was quiet happy as I knew I would see how it ended but nope what I viewed instead was incomplete with the last episode ending without nothing resolved but worse still is the knowledge that things would be resolved but nope nothing resolved. Excellent show with an truly talented staff that must have taken ages to get so why disservice the show by cancelling mid season (I think) should have run the full season & then judged what to do. A review I read above says the same thing more or less & it seems a shame that CBS did not give it a full 1 season run or that UPN did not get the rights to make more.
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