Review of Nebraska

Dexter: Nebraska (2011)
Season 6, Episode 7
Miss-Understood Meanings? (Possible Spoilers Inside)
19 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I found this episode quite interesting, while the episode before was a great start up for the show, I find that this episode is a bit of a mixed bag, from what I can gather it seems after killing Nick is the last episode he gave into temptation (hence the bible theme of the season)and now has "the devil following him" making him go deeper into the temptation. I understand people saying this is VERY unlike his character and yes it is, but I think that if the wrote in Brian's lines better it would have been better understood. While they do include him saying "You need to relax and have fun, let go and just do what you want." (Very reminiscent of the classic devil character tempting our protagonist) I hope that the next few episodes don't stoop farther down, while this episode had some fun side tracks, most of the filler was a little cheap. Heres hoping for more good writing next week. 7/10 (Watch it but don't expect amazing breakthroughs in writing.)
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