Culloden (1964 TV Movie)
An interesting way of presenting history, but also a bit dry and confusing.
6 December 2011
In many ways, this TV program is a neat way to present history. You recreate a famous event (in this case the Battle of Culloden) and have people in period costumes act it out and talk to the camera as well as through the use of a narrator.

This is not a perfect method, however, as there are two main problems. First, since this was not captioned, it was tough understanding the accents. I have some British friends and they say that they, too, often have trouble with this and it is amazing how a country that sized has such amazingly diverse accents. Second, when the battle itself begins, there is a great sense of overload. So many cannons, screams and the like--it all tends to mash together in your mind and can be a bit numbing.

Still, an interesting premise and well executed---even though these armies of thousands really appeared to be just a few dozen. Worth seeing.
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