My Name Is Earl (2005–2009)
Definitely worth a look, but not for everyone
24 December 2011
I know Jason Lee as a superb character actor from the movies, so this modest little show about a redneck trying to correct and make amends for his past sins comes as a very pleasant surprise. I only became aware of it in reruns, so I have not seen it in order and I am not sure if it ended properly. Lee, as the repentant Earl, travels around with his doofus brother, catching up with people he wronged in the past. The show is often crude and rude and cartoonish in its antics, so this is perfect for cable even though it originated on NBC. Lee is hysterical with his Freddie Mercury mustache and frequently quizzical looks. He is now answering to a higher power, but he is not educated enough to always figure things out. The solutions, or punch lines to situations, often sneak upon him as well as us. This is not a show for children, by the way, although it runs on TV day and night. The main reason to keep the kids away is Jaime Pressly's character, Earl's ex-wife, who will do anything, even consider murder, to get whatever she wants. And she wants a lot. Pressly is brilliant as a trashy. neglectful mother of two children, one black and one white. Guest stars on this Hee-Haw of a sitcom have included Betty White and Danny Glover. No laugh track, which is a plus. Worth a look by those not easily offended by salty language and adult situations. At times, EARL feels like a Kevin Smith movie.
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