Review of The Help

The Help (2011)
26 January 2012
Another film based on a novel. This story, written by Kathryn Stockett, takes place in the '60s era and touches the delicate matter of racism.

The place, is Mississippi. The matter, is the other side of the coin. The Help, needs to express and have its voice heard. Emma Stone (Skeeter), in search of her dream in being a writer, gives the chance to plenty African-American maids to introduce their view and tough experiences they have to deal every day.

It's a really emotional film and you can feel the nerve-braking that a lot of people had to go through on both sides of the "game". Viola Davis (Aibileen Clark) does a truly magnificent work, so is Octavia Spencer (Minnie Jackson).

The photography is bright and the locations beautiful. Even though the characters are going through some hard times, it keeps reminding you the beauty of colors and their uniqueness. The music lineup is equally worthy, featuring artists such as Bo Diddley, Ray Charles, The Orlons, Webb, Pierce, Four Seasons and others.

Sweet story, with a humanitarian-historical importance.
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