Review of The Ghost

The Ghost (1963)
"I told you: The devil is a very real person"
27 February 2012
Don't you just hate it when your housekeeper starts speaking with your murdered husband's voice? And it's simply impossible to get them ghost blood stains out of your duvet! Don't even mention those bloody wheelchairs that move about on their own...

These are some of the many problems facing Italy's favourite Scouser, Barbara Steele, after she manages to convince her lover to finally bump off her emotionally crippled, and also physically crippled, husband cripple John 'Cripple' Surname.

It's a case of what came first, John's séances and messing with poisons or Babs' affair with the doctor. You'll have plenty of time to mull this over because this film takes thirty-five minutes to get anything remotely spooky. Although you do get to see how messed up this situation is for everybody.

Once John's bumped off and buried, it's time to find his treasure! The problem is that a little 'being dead' doesn't seem to put John off, as he keeps appearing everywhere, things move about, and his spirit is seemingly using the housekeeper as a glove puppet.

Is it all real or some sort of ruse? It's worth waiting to find out as we get a pretty grim ending where one character is brutally and graphically set about with a straight razor (then burned!) and the rest of the cast suffer pretty horribly too (except a smug priest).

Slow at first, but then the twists and atmosphere get more impressive as it continues on. Barbara Steele gets a lot to do here so that always helps.
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