The Devil's music brought to you by the helping hand of God
8 March 2012
"Sympathy for Delicious" invites us to feel sympathy for the lead character nicknamed Delicious D. He's a former DJ now paralysed and in a wheelchair living day-to-day off the support of a local church-run homeless shelter. However, it's implied that he's in his current penny-less situation because of his disability. But as far as I know, there aren't many high paying jobs for DJs available regardless of ability to stand.

Almost simultaneously, Dean meets up with a struggling rock band trying to make it famous while the in-house priest at the shelter observes him healing people with incurable diseases. The rock band is a combination of heavy metal and techno with no rhythm or melody. They are way too cool for playing some stupid melody. As amusing as that may sound remember that this is a drama and is not played out for comedy, and more importantly, their music makes up the soundtrack.

The movie continues with how Delicious D can make money off of his "gift". Surprisingly, to the non-cynical folk out there, the church also wants to make money off of his gift, but of course in a more deserving kind of way. This storyline would be unexpected if the filmmakers agree with the church's stance that hands-on healing exists. But that hint of surprise is immediately undone with the nagging suspicion that the filmmakers believe that this is a true story.

"Sympathy for Delicious" is dark and dismal — literally and metaphorically. If the types of characters portrayed didn't really exist, it could be amusing in a comic sort of way, but instead it's afflictive in a realistic kind of way. The headache from the dissonant music will stay with you long after it's over.
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