More than funny enough
22 April 2012
This movie scores points for originality and the clever use of crude humor. For example, how hilariously disconcerting and squirm-inducing is it to hear Jennifer Aniston, whom we came to know and love as the sweet Rachel on "Friends," tell her befuddled male underling exactly what she wants to do with his schlong, grab his crotch, and behave like the horniest cougar on the Serengeti? VERY. Aniston plays one of the titular "Horrible Bosses," and her storyline masterfully turns the whole stereotypical sexual harassment scenario on its head. Colin Farrell (near unrecognizable a la Tom Cruise in "Tropic Thunder") plays another horrible boss, although he doesn't get nearly enough screen time. And Kevin Spacey, who never seems to do a bad job in anything, is the quintessential boss-from-hell. The high concept here is that Charlie Day, Jason Bateman, and Jason Sudeikis—as the unjustly abused underlings—will kill each other's bosses in a comically bizarre take on Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train." They enlist the help of M*****f**ker Jones (Jamie Foxx) as their "kill mentor" and hijinks inevitable ensue. Funny enough, and definitely good for more than a few laughs. Don't miss the gag reel at the end of the movie.
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