Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny...
24 April 2012
Just say the title, Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny. I read that this movie was bad but a movie this bad I didn't even think was possible. It is quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. The sound quality sucked, the music was plain terrible, and everything about it sucked.

The movie starts with an establishing shot of the North Pole, which is about seven reindeer in a very grassy field with no snow present. The plot is that Santa is stuck in an inch or two of sand in Florida. He calls upon a bunch of small children by singing a song, just one of the many terrible musical numbers in this movie. The kids and Santa try everything to get Santa out of the sand but nothing works. They bring a horse, a pig, a donkey, and a gorilla(?) to try and lift Santa's sleigh out of the sand but nothing works. To cheer the kids up Santa begins to tell the story of Thumbelina. Before I move onto Thumbelina I have to state that the entire movie-inside-a-movie contains 100% archive footage. The footage is taken directly from another movie filmed at Pirate's World, the same place where this atrocity was filmed, and was made two years prior to 'The Ice Cream Bunny' back in 1970.

Thumbelina is probably the worst part of the entire movie. Thumbelina lasts longer than the actual movie itself for you have to sit through another movie entirely and still ache in the agony being produced by simply staring at your screen. Thumbelina tells the story of a little girl, literally, she's only two inches tall (George Little meet your grandmother). Thumbelina's mother obtains her through a magical seed that sprouts a plant that she crawls out of, so now there is a two inch tall girl living in a normal house. She gets abducted by two frogs from her home with a regular sized mother. She escapes the frogs and gets forced into marrying a mole named Mr. Digger. All throughout this movie there are horrible musical numbers that last for minutes on end. The music she sings to overpowers her voice so even if the songs were good it wouldn't matter because all you hear is repetitive music all throughout the movie. The acting is another thing. The acting in this movie is TERRIBLE. I put "terrible" in caps because I want to emphasize how bad it is. It's like they're talking but...they...pause... between every word they say. Even then the music still manages to overpower the actors voices'. It's hard to completely explain how bad this movie is I just can't do it. Think of it as making Ed Wood or Uwe Boll look like Alfred Hitchcock or Stanley Kubrick.

Enough of Thumbelina now and more Santa! The "main" story doesn't make up for the amount of time (and brain cells) lost during the Thumbelina because it's just as bad anyway. Bad acting, bad singing, bad music, bad camera-work, bad story, and bad editing are just some of the very many factors that make this movie so bad. If you hadn't noticed I haven't said anything positive yet. Now normally I find something good to say about the movie, but I can't find it one this time.
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