Twin Peaks: Traces to Nowhere (1990)
Season 1, Episode 2
Agent Cooper has some 'damn fine coffee' and three slices of cherry pie
30 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode opens with Special Agent Cooper talking into his Dictaphone; there would be nothing too strange about that if he wasn't hanging from his ankles at the time. He then goes downstairs and has a 'damn fine cup of coffee' before heading to the police station where he questions James Hurley. More suspicions are raised when waitress Shelly Johnson discovers blood on one of her husband Leo's shirts; we already know that he is a dangerous man; the question is just how dangerous?

This episode follows on from the pilot and lets us get to know the characters a bit better; the more we see of them the more it is apparent that there was a lot going on just under the surface in Twin Peaks long before Laura Palmer was murdered. Leo Johnson shows just how unpleasant he can be and Bobby Briggs and his friend Mike Nelson, while probably not murderers are clearly unpleasant. Not everybody in the town is like that though in fact most seem to be the epitome of friendliness. There were plenty of amusing moments scattered throughout the episode; one of the best was when Cooper and Sheriff Truman were served some decidedly fishy coffee! The cast did a fine job; Sherilyn Fenn's performance as the sultry Audrey Horne was positively seductive; and that was before she even said anything!
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