Review of It!

It! (1967)
Don't know what to make of this movie
3 May 2012
This decidedly British production is part horror film and part black humor. The two stars are definitely Roddy McDowall as the rather flippant and mentally ill Arthur Pimm, and the Golem which racks up a body count when nobody seems to be looking. Initially I didn't understand why Pimm took the mysterious deaths with very little concern until I found out later he's about 2 cans short of a 6-pack, keeping his long-dead mother in his house and having tea with her on weekends. Everybody is of course extremely British, and there's an odd streak of young angst and jealousy as Pimm sees himself get insulted, fired, and the girl he likes get taken by a smooth talking American curator who is as buff and groomed as a NASA astronaut. The fun really begins when the Golem "cheats" and tells Pimm where the scroll is, and when he activates the Golem you hear a creepy heartbeat sound and a greenish cast is on the Golem's head. The creep factor was blown away though when the Golem didn't walk, it goose-stepped....oh man was it unintentionally hilarious. It was a pretty creepy statue however, I wouldn't be able to sleep in the same room as that thing. McDowall was relatively old when this movie was shot but he looked quite young due to his slight frame and youthful features. Jill Haworth was sultry and I could certainly understand why Arthur was totally gaga for her. She had friend zoned him in a major way. As with all good movies, it has a nuke in it, nuff said.

The movie was long but never really boring, just interesting in a curious way, and very very British.
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