A sweet and sexy comedy from Mario
14 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's not the most obvious idea in the world to rework Akira Kurosawa's 1950 classic Rashomon as a sex comedy. But that is effectively what Italian legend Mario Bava has done here. This is not a genre that I am particularly familiar with, the Italian strand in particular I know nothing of. So I can't say I exactly knew what to expect here, especially seeing that Bava's output was mainly in horror and thrillers. Well, the verdict is that it's great, what else can I say? Like other films in the director's back catalogue like Danger: Diabolik and Five Dolls for an August Moon, this one is very pop art. The sets, costumes and overall look are vibrant, colourful and sexy. Perfect for an erotic comedy. And in the hands of a master stylist like Bava it's a visual delight.

The story is about a first date gone wrong. The guy ends up with a scratched head and the girl with a torn dress. How did it happen? Well, we have her story, his story, the janitor's story and finally the analysis of a psychologist. At the end we are really none the wiser and left to decide for ourselves.

It stars Daniela Giordano, a former Miss Italy. And she sure is a knock-out; a very sexy girl who happens to constantly be in either slinky outfits and/or in a state of undress. Well, you'll get no arguments from me on that score. She is the real focus of the movie with good reason. Bava himself is the other trump card of course. While the story is confined to very few locations, he always keeps things looking great with a great eye for colour. There's a little bit of psychedelic action in the dance-club too which never gets old in my opinion. The film's multiple story structure means that it moves at a cracking pace and never bores. It's not especially funny to be honest but it is quite sexy and more than a little bit cool. An unexpected triumph.
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