17 May 2012
So I heard it was a fun show and decided to give it a try. Well, it wasn't the most horrific thing I've seen in my life, no, but I don't think I'll try episode two until I'm bored out of my mind and with nothing better to watch.

The good: The acting was fine, watching was effortless like with majority of today's shows. The outcome of the episode was mildly interesting too. But that's as far as my pros go.

The bad: Painfully predictable, and while the idea and general has quite some potential, it wasn't funny at all. The situations seemed forced, the solutions again totally predictable, cliché riding on a cliché surrounded by very meek jokes.

I wouldn't recommend this to people, but it won't burn anybody's eyes, and if someone is actually amused by this shows' humor and doesn't need to be at least a bit surprised by the general plot or the way the jokes are going, then for them, it may be a pleasant watch. But not for me.
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