Going Down Hard
24 May 2012
Right as you read this, the Somali civil war is still going on. Since 1991. Twenty one years, with casualties reaching up to 500,000 deaths. There, the REAL hunger games are being played. The rest of the world's interference came up with nothing. Even humanitarian missions are being attacked.

Black Hawk Down is based on a book written in 1999 by Mark Bowden that chronicles the United States Army Rangers, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, 10th Mountain Division, Delta Force, Navy SEALs, and UN forces attempt to capture Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid in Mogadishu and the intense battle that resulted between U.S. forces and local militia and citizens in 1993.

Even though it's a war film, with a lot of continuous action, the cinematography is beautiful and points you to pay attention to the detail. There were a few fast scenes greatly covered and co-ordinated. The whole movie was accompanied with strong ethnic and instrumental music, songs from the 90s and earlier.

What can i say about the cast! It had variety , and talent. With names such as Tom Sizemore, Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Eric Bana, Ewen Bremner, Jeremy Piven, Tom Hardy, Orlando Bloom, Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau and the list goes on. A lot of them have made more than one appearance in various war films or TV series before.

It's a good war film to watch with a lot of information on what's happened and happening in Somalia. And i'll finish this with a quote from the film: "You shouldn't have come here. This is a civil war. This is our war, not yours."
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